Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bob Wolkwitz- Update

Thank you all for your kind wishes and emails. I am happy to report that Bob is doing well and his doctors are very pleased with how the surgery went. Hopefully we will be back home early next week.
His next surgery, in four to six weeks requiring bone grafting, will be done at Yale New Haven Hospital.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Surgery Update

It was a long day here in Columbus. At 5:18 PM, after 8+ hours, Bob successfully came out of surgery and into ICU where he is being monitored closely. He will remain under sedation until tomorrow morning.

All your prayers have worked thus far but the next 48 hours are critical, so please continue to keep Bob in you thoughts.


Bob's Surgery

In good spirits, at 8:45 this morning Bob went into surgery. The operation is scheduled to last until about 6 PM. I just received a call from the head surgical nurse advising me that all is well and going as planned.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Bob Wolkwitz - Update

Bob's Surgery #3 was successful and he is  resting comfortably.  He is  drinking lots of pepsi, something Robin doesn't usually allow, but under the circumstances.............

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bob Wolkwitz - Update

Tomorrow, Bob will undergo surgery #3 on his arm. This will be followed by another 6-8hr procedure on Monday, Oct 4th.

More information will be provided as it is received.

Message from Bob Wolkwitz

Robin and I want to thank everyone for their support and kind wishes.  Good luck at Atco to all!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bob Wolkwitz injured in crash

At the Northern SPORTSnationals on Saturday, Bob Wolkwitz crashed while driving his Super Trader Top Dragster. He was taken to the hospital by Medivac. He suffered major damage to his right arm and left index finger. He will have to endure several surgeries and months of rehab on his right arm. Doctors are still unsure as to how useful they can make his arm.

He is at Grant Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio.

Additional Info will be provided when received.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bob and his family!