Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bob Wolkwitz injured in crash

At the Northern SPORTSnationals on Saturday, Bob Wolkwitz crashed while driving his Super Trader Top Dragster. He was taken to the hospital by Medivac. He suffered major damage to his right arm and left index finger. He will have to endure several surgeries and months of rehab on his right arm. Doctors are still unsure as to how useful they can make his arm.

He is at Grant Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio.

Additional Info will be provided when received.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bob and his family!


  1. To fill everyone in. Last night at about 12am, in a 5k 1/8mi bracket race during the columbus Ohio Northern Sportsnationals, Bob Wolkwitz driving his beautiful Super Trader Top Dragster (6.80 car) for an unknown reason was under power througout the 1/4mi eventually contacted the guard rail rolled and destroyed the car. He did suffer extreme damage to his right arm and left index finger. He was extracted from the car and medivac flew him to Grace Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. There is going to be a long rehabilitation and recovery to overcome in the future.

  2. I spoke to Bob last night and he was in good spirits. He said his neck, back, spine, and brains are all there and unharmed. He has some soreness from the belts and helmet. The damage seems to be mainly to his left index finger, which was closed up and is not an issue anymore. His right arm is the big issue at this time, His arm was broken half way between the elbow and wrist, and had to be re-attached by a titanium rod and the muscle/tendon/nerve damage is very bad. They went in yesterday to get an evaluation of what to do to try to reconstruct his forearm to give him use of that hand in the future. The good side is the main blood supply that goes to that hand was never severed, so he does have a living viable hand, however they are unsure of how useful they can make it. According to Bob they will have a better idea of what they are going to do today. He also was very upset that his car was destroyed (as can be expected) but the car can be rebuilt and he can not.

    For those who are wondering how his arm was damaged. His arm restraints were on and tight, when the car hit the wall the carbon body was blown off and we believe his arm was able to come out between the frame rails in front of the seat above the shifter.

    Will update when I hear more.
